Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Photo Editing!

This is the first task that had been given to us. Well, when we were given this assignment, I really am excited to start it off. Partly is because, I always wanted to learn how to make photoshopped pictures, but never had a reason good enough why I should (haha)

But now, Ma'am had given me an opportunity to learn by myself how to use it.

The process went through several phases and that tooks a lot of time. I keep changing the pictures over and over again as I go through a lot of trial and error when I try using the software. Even though it was a frustating process at the start, from this experience, I learn to practice my skills in photo editing. I learn that learning a skill tooks time and requires me to do many trials and errors because only through mistakes can I learn much more than if I just follow the simple tutorials available online.

As this is among the first tasks that we were asked to do, I thought that I should do it on a subject that I am truly interested in - artists. I think Ma'am ways and mine had some similarities then (hahahaha). So I did the photo editing on my favourite Korean artist - TVXQ. I believe that everyone had the tendency to do well when they are doing it on something they they like and take interest to. As I ponder on this, I relate this to my future profession as a teacher. There are a lot of things that I as a student had experience that I think I need to remember when I become a teacher in the future.

That pictures on the korean idol was my first product. Although I like the end product, somehow when I saw what the others had done, I feel challenged to do an even better pictures. It was not simply just to get a better mark, but also to challenge myself to do better than what I had done and practise what I have learnt. I then realise how this task actually encourage a sense of competitive among us, motivating everyone to keep up with the others' quality of work.

As I began to work on other pictures, one by one, I use as many of my new skills in picture editing to create a creative and interesting product. As I did them, there were many things that I leant on the way. So, the task, actually gave me the push and desire to learn more and more the skills in photo editing. The task actually drills us with the needed skills in photo editing!

I thought that the task itself was brilliant because it was to be done on a free subjeck, meaning that we can do whatever we want. And this was the thing that pushes our interest in the task. At the end all of us are very hungry for more skills. And I think thats the best thing for us. We had a lot of fun finishing the task, especially when we were shown the other students' work, which reveals to us, many of the hidden talents in the technological expertise of our fellow friends.

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