Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We got the choice to do it individually?!

I cannot be happier when ma’am said that we can do the new task individually. Why? Isn’t working with other people means less work?

Of course working with ‘some’ people means less work. However, does the finished work always come to my expectation? I’m afraid not. The thing with working with other people is that you cannot always have what you want. In a sense, there are things that we saw, and we can imagine the end, but others cannot.

Of course I cannot say that working with other does not have their advantages. Working with others creates creativity, competitions and desire to keep up with each other’s expectations. However, working individually also has its own advantages. What is it? Let me list them to make it simpler:

1. I can challenge myself to do better than what I have done before
2. I have the opportunity to take risk, to achieve what I wanted with my own head laying under the axe.
3. I can do the task on my own schedule, without having to wait for anyone
4. I can do the task anywhere anytime
5. I can do the task at my own pace
6. I do not have to face the exasperation of having to find people of different race to be my partner (i am not being bias, but not all differing races live near each other or haven’t already had a partner)

However, I also realise that as a future teacher, I need to learn how to work in groups, because like it or not, I would need to work with other teachers too. More importantly, I need to teach my students how to work in groups. If I myself cannot do it, how am I suppposed to teach them to do the same thing?

Some poeple like to say "Those who can't, teach". I would like to change that opinion. I do not want those people to point to me and says those things. Thus, to be a better future teacher, I need to take up any opportunity to work in groups and expand my communication skills.

This is because although working individually has its good points, working in groups would provide me with even greater advantages. As others says "Two heads are better than one"

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